Monday, November 22, 2010

Are the leaders of our world descendents of Extraterrestrials?

While we admit some of the claims are far-fetched and illogical, science does seem to ignore findings that do not fit into their conservative ideology of the history of man. And there is much here worth pondering.


Anonymous said...

This is the real deal! The History Channel doesn't lie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey ass fuck, you dumb fucking shit, everything is a BIG FUCKING LIE. It was all planned by them ever since Paganism was invented. Games within games within games, they made all these to confuse everyone! Including you. Wait you already are coz you're stupid enough to believe that this is actually real.

Anonymous said...

The belief in aliens being linked to the belief in the illuminati is a way of discreditting the belief in the Illuminati and making it seem rediculous so nobody will believe it. Most UFO's if not all of them are natural occurances of meteorites, etc or secret testing of new government technologies.

The only 'aliens' we should worry about are the illegal aliens in our midst and flooding through our border posts - all encouraged ad allowed by Jewish illuminati control of the western governments of the world and the banking systems ! (eg. Rothschild, Warburg, Goldman-Sachs, etc )

Anonymous said...

ps - Come on guys don't spread this page with filthy language ! Be professional !

Anonymous said...

I am a member an N.W.O it is the truth and in time it will all com to light

Anonymous said...

It's this tipe of stupidity that makes the world laugh and say "hahahah, what people will make up these days ". You are literally telling people that illuminati is not real . Stick to the history that you know stick to the basics of manipulating the media by makeup videos , to make them think its just a few crazy people conspiring , while they stare the horse in the face . Stop believing what the shiny thing you call a screen says , you think they will be stupid to actually unveil the actual truth, you need hand written proof of the oldest secretes . People only show you what they want to be seen . Illuminati started way back and needles to say a religious belief or cult never dies out never stops it just goes off the grid